To help further the cause mentioned in the previous post:

Please use this image often wherever you go. Doo eeet…
Sponsored by the Department of Flying Ice Cream Trucks
To help further the cause mentioned in the previous post:
Please use this image often wherever you go. Doo eeet…
Alas, I finally remembered I had a site to tend to (I spend too much time on the forums nowadays, but I plan to change that) and came to post. And what a post I have here.
I have been trying to get the sierra teens at my school to start aluminum recycling there, but that was dismissed as impractical. I will continue my attempts to get aluminum recycling at my school. But not only that…
Let’s supersize it! We’ll be a-furthering the cause of aluminum recycling. So go for the gold, fair readers, and start recycling aluminum. Encourage your friends to do the same. Maybe even make a post on the forum boards you visit encouraging recycling aluminum. That is right. You can even do this work on the internet, doing the stuff forum geeks do best!
Fire Wolves Next Door, battlestations!
The challenge, and this is for all of you, is to do an act of great goodwill to a complete stranger. The deadline for doing this is Christmas.
Alright, then. Fire Wolves Next Door, battlestations!
Water Tigers From Down the Lane: Not so fast, Fire Wolves Next Door… *evil laughter*
The Plumber (yes, that’s his nickname) has created a Doctor Who comic. Check the Comics section when you have the chance.
I may eventually create seperate pages for each person’s comic. However, that point might be a bit far off.
Well, I have good news and bad news.
It seems they've now put google ads on my board. However, I have the potential to make money from it. More info when I have more of a clue what is going on. Also, the green text ads are gone.
Well, my constant badgering of the llamas has paid off. The forums are back up.
This little ‘hardware replacement’ was supposed to only take one day. That was two days ago and counting. 24 hours my hindpaw…
At least I think they’re llamas. At any rate, the forums are down again. And apparently, llamas are in charge of rebuilding it. Just click on the link to the forums or, if you came a bit late and missed it, click on the archive file.
This is strange. The ‘Let’s Count to a Million’ game seems to be the most active as of late. We may even reach that goal someday…