Friday, April 27, 2007

The hits just keep on coming

I have now been made admin of the DragonDaggers board. I must be really good at managing forums. Stop snickering.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

What a Forum Resumé

I was just made tech (which, in turn, makes me an admin, because I need access to the board’s workings) of the pokémaster board. That makes me admin of two boards (that and my own) and moderator of three boards (Fred Barlowe, Furthia High, and DraggonDaggers). First the forum boards, then… the world!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Glitchicide in the comic isle

That’s right, folks! And I got the last one in stock. Now, the glitch in the comics page is gone. Not only that, but there is a more convenient interface now and there’s another comic up there. And it happens to be a valuable one.

Forums up, comics still down

The forums have risen once more. Like a pheonix or… okay, I got nothing.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Comics down for maintenance

The title says it all, really. This shouldn’t take long, but it probably will anyway.

Impending Magazine

Well, somehow, I managed to go on some sort of unintentional haitus with the magazines. However, I’m back on track and will have the magazine done posthaste.

[[You sound like a british with that phrase!]]

And what’s wrong with that? I swear, you Americans are getting more prejudiced each day.

Anyway, ta-ta for now, gov’ners!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Forums down

The forums are down for a moment, but this time, we got a convenient page explaining the reason. Basically, they’re making it so the forums will load faster and crash less often. A downtime to prevent future downtimes. It is for the good of our forumites and… our nation! Okay, maybe just our forumites.

For archival purposes, a replica of the page carrying this information has been placed here.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter Treat

As a special reward for you who come here, I bring you the bio of one of my characters, May Cottontail the Easter Bunny.